
Privacy Policy and Information Obligation Pursuant to Art. 13 GDPR

The Controller of your personal data, i.e. the entity deciding on how your personal data will be used after providing it on the seegame.io website, is the website owner: seegame sp. z o.o., with its registered office at Puławska 182, 02-670 Warsaw, Poland. You can contact the controller by mail at the registered office address or via email: info@seegame.io

The controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) – Piotr Piekarski. If you have any questions regarding the protection of personal data, you can contact him via email: iod@seegame.io or in writing to the registered office address.

Depending on the purpose of processing, your personal data may be processed by the controller to varying extents and on various legal bases, as provided by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

The Controller requires you to provide contact details at least in the form of an e-mail address and first name in order to establish contact in accordance with the purpose indicated. Providing your data is voluntary - the Controller will receive the data when filling in the application/contact form or when submitting an inquiry in another form. In the case of concluded agreements and financial reporting, the Controller requires the provision of identification, address and billing data.

If for any reason all required data has not been provided, submitting the contact form or concluding the agreement may not take place, and the Controller may not be able to achieve the intended purpose of processing.

If the person creating an account on the Website is a minor, the supervision of a legal guardian is required to use the Website. In such a case, the Website does not collect children’s data, except for the e-mail address associated with the account.

The Controller will process your personal data until all intended purposes have been achieved, taking into account the principles of: legality, reliability and transparency, purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, storage limitation, integrity and confidentiality. The Controller guarantees the possibility of exercising all your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation, i.e. the right to access, rectify, delete and limit the processing of personal data, the right to transfer personal data, the right not to be subject to automated decision-making, including profiling, as well as the right to object to the processing of personal data. If the legal basis for the processing was your consent, the Controller ensures that you will be able to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data at any time in a similarly convenient way in which it was expressed. After withdrawing your consent, your data will not be processed, but the withdrawal will not affect the legality of the processing carried out based on your consent before its withdrawal.

If you find that the processing of your personal data violates the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority, i.e. the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw.

The Controller may provide personal data to entities with which it has concluded an agreement for the processing of personal data (such as an entity providing hosting and maintenance services for the Website or an entity providing accounting services) or which have an appropriate legal basis. In the case of personal data of persons who have concluded an agreement with the Controller, their data, to the necessary extent, may be provided to entities intermediating in the provision of services to the Controller (e.g. processing payments or providing analytical tools), and to the extent of the name of the streaming channel, may be provided to entities that cooperate with the Controller (e.g. by ordering advertising campaigns). In some cases, data may be made available to entities cooperating with the Controller:

adQuery sp. z o.o. sp. k.
Puławska 182
02-670 Warsaw, Poland

If the entity cooperating with the Controller is based in Germany, or if the person using the Website indicates this country as their place of residence, the data may be provided for the purpose of implementing an agreement or providing services to a company cooperating with the Controller in servicing the German market:

adQuery GmbH
Christ-Straße 2
82031 Grünwald, Germany

In principle, except for the above cases, personal data will not be provided to other entities without prior express consent.

The Controller may also receive your personal data from third parties, including via API located on the websites of business partners and entities providing services to the Controller. In such a case, the data is transferred on the basis of the terms and conditions and privacy policies of these entities accepted by you.

The Website uses, among others, YouTube API services. If you also use websites and solutions provided by YouTube API services, you are required to comply with the YouTube Terms and Conditions and your data is processed in accordance with the Google Privacy Policy and the Google API Services User Data Policy.

The Google Privacy Policy is available at: google.com/policies/privacy

The Google API Services User Data Policy is available at: developers.google.com/terms/api-services-user-data-policy

The YouTube Terms and Conditions are available at: youtube.com/t/terms

In the case of YouTube API, you can verify the authorization to transfer personal data on your own and, if necessary, make appropriate changes at: security.google.com/settings/security/permissions

Your data may be processed outside the European Economic Area, and the Controller guarantees appropriate security for such processing. In such a case, the basis for the processing are the provisions of standard contractual clauses with entities in countries for which the European Commission has issued a decision confirming an adequate level of protection.

Based on your personal data, the Controller will not make automated decisions that would produce legal effects or otherwise significantly affect you, including decisions based on profiling.

The Controller will automatically process personal data in the form of cookies for the following purposes:

Cookies are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored on the Website User's end device and are intended for using the Website's pages. The Website uses two basic types of cookies: "session cookies" and "persistent cookies". "Session cookies” are temporary files that are stored on the User's end device until logging out, leaving the page, or turning off the software (web browser). "Permanent cookies” are stored on the User's end device for the time specified in their parameters or until they are deleted by the User.

The collected data, processed by the Controller in the form of cookies, is collective and anonymous, i.e. it does not contain features allowing for an identification of the person visiting the Website (this is the so-called operational data), and is used to generate statistics that help administer the Website. The processing of cookies will not produce any legal effects for you or significantly affect your situation in a similar way. The legal basis for the processing of cookies is the legitimate interest of the Controller - Art. 6.1(f) GDPR - consisting primarily in creating statistics regarding the use of the Website by Users, as well as their preferences, in order to improve the functionalities and services provided.

Most web browsers available on the market accept cookies by default. Everyone can define the conditions for the use of cookies using the settings of their own web browser. This means that, for example, you can partially (e.g. temporarily) limit or completely disable the possibility of saving cookies - in such a case, however, certain functionalities of the Website may be affected. Detailed information regarding the possibilities and methods of handling cookies is available in the settings of your software (web browser). The Website Administrator informs that restricting the use of cookies in the web browser may affect some of the functionalities available on the Website’s pages or may cause the Website to not be displayed properly in the browser.